Monday, September 6, 2021

Rome 2 Total War: Iceni in Imperator Augustus strategy

 The details of my strategy is rather simple and consists of a few things:

  1. Take control of the Britain
  2. Decide where to attack in mainland Europe (I attacked Magna Germania because the Frisii faction, so seemed a good place to start)
  3. Patience is required because you start with one city and it takes time to even take Britain
  4. Be careful if or when you take on Augustus (Rome) or even the other client state factions (because it will most likely drag him into war with you)
Playing Iceni (shown in blue) on very hard difficulty in Imperator Augustus campaign.

I didn't have to face Augustus because he got himself annihilated by either declaring war on too many factions and/or being attacked by nearly the entire known world.  I took over France first, then marched down to take Spain, followed by taking Italy.  I'm at war with Dacia after which I might need to attack Marc Antony as I need to get 80 settlements and there aren't that many others unless I go through territory.

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